North Lancashire Directions Group
Parent Carer Network

To get the right support for your child, there will be a number of stages that you will go through. You DON'T need a diagnosis to get support. It's also important to remember that a diagnosis does not automatically entitle your child to an EHCP.
Government guidelines
1. Early Help - Accessing the right help as soon as possible is important. This process can start at any age if there are unmet needs being identified.
2. SEN Support - If the unmet needs are needing extra support, you may start with a SEN Support Plan.
3. Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If the needs on the SEN Support Plan need further input, you may have an EHCP assessment done around the unmet needs your child or young person is experiencing.
See the links below for guidance and support.
SEN Support
Lancashire County Council
The Lancashire County Council step by step guide to SEN Support.
Shine Charity
Step by step guide to Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle and SEN Support.
Education, Health and Care Plans
Lancashire County Council
The Lancashire Council step by step guide to EHCP's.
Have recently updated their guide on draft plans and what you should expect.