North Lancashire Directions Group
Parent Carer Network


Trinity Snap (Trinity Special Needs Advice Partnership)
A special needs advisor delivering courses and support groups to support parent carers of children and young people with SEND in Lancashire. Currently enrolling parents for
Moving Up to High School in September (Free for parent carers. Commissioned by Lancashire SENDIAS)
Return To School Programme (Free for parent carers. Commissioned by Lancashire SENDIAS)
Please email Joan Bill at or Lucy Elis at
Isabella Trust
Webinars being delivered by Lynn McCann from Reachout ASC ( ) a very experienced teacher who has had over 10 years experience in autism education, outreach and training in a specialist education setting. All webinars are subsidised and ask for a donation.
Currently enrolling people for
Autism and Transitions 7th July 2020
Please email
Schudio TV
Multiple online courses on a range of topics for families and school staff. (Free and paid)
Currently enrolling people for
Preparing Autistic and SEND children for going back to school.
The Big Transitions for Autistic and SEND Pupils after Lockdown
Navigating Anxiety and Stress for Teachers & Staff (Free for limited time)
Parenting in a Pandemic.
Please email