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North Lancashire Directions Group
Parent Carer Network

The Hub

The North Lancashire Directions Group (NLDG) formed in 2008 with a small group of parents and professionals with the aim of bringing together voluntary and statutory organisations in one place to provide information and support to parents and carers of children with additional needs, disabilities or special educational needs.
The group has since developed further and now includes more parents and professionals from North Lancashire involved with the many aspects of families who have children with additional needs or disabilities.
In 2019 a fantastic new partnership started with Piccadilly Support Services in Lancaster which meant that NLDG were able to find a base to host drop in sessions, group training and a place to find local information and support. The space was very generously given to the partnership by Marketgate Shopping Centre Lancaster who see also want to help the local community by increasing their Autism friendly understanding.
The Hub will open in September 2019 thanks to the generosity of local people and fundraising through a Go Fund Me page. There is also an Amazon Wish List with items that we would like to add to The Hub. To keep updated about opening times and events happening at The Hub we have a Facebook page too
Sleep and Sensory advice session
5th October Lune Park Neighbourhood Centre Lancaster
Please click the buttons and download and complete the paperwork before you attend the session. Please email the completed forms to
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